Dean's mom and her friend are currently visiting in Moscow which makes life very interesting and fun. To hear that South African accent and phrases (other than the ones I live with, haha) has been like a visit back home. They also bring with them a lot of fun and well as bringing biltong and Mrs Balls Chutney. On Friday we had a picnic in a field of flowers which overlooked the river and the city. It was one of those moments when you just have to sigh out of bliss and pure contentment.
On Saturday we joined the ISM (International School of Moscow) teachers for the Ahmad Tea Music Festival. You always hear people talking about the people you meet while travelling and I guess you have to experience it to truly appreciate the worth in it. Travelling and living in a completely different place lends itself to you encountering individuals that you would have never previously met before and having met those people, they bring new memories and perspectives into your experience and I think that's what those people were talking about.
Also, a view and surroundings like are simply priceless and cannot be taken for granted.
Yesterday, we did something we've wanted to do for a while which is take a boat ride on the river. The weather was awesome and we went at the perfect time to have sundowners and a sunset to admire. Along with a lovely group of friends and with Dean and Pacha playing guitar and accordion in the background, we got to finally be the people on the boat as opposed to the ones waving on shore. We got to see the sights we've explored from a different perspective as well as get some great photos.
With drinks made by the bartending Rosi, named Apple Pie because they surprisingly tasted just like Apple Pie, and our newly acquired British friend we laughed our way down the river and life could not have felt better at that point.
So hello Monday. Be grateful that you're preceded by Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
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